Our Mission
Our Mission is to support the organizations that show a path to success for the young boys and girls in need. We support organizations that build future productive citizens by giving sustenance, leadership and life skills to elevate to levels beyond the norm in their society.
Blue Miracle is an exciting, family-friendly movie loosely based on a Casa Hogar story from 2014. While there is no financial benefit to Casa Hogar for this movie, we are hopeful that Blue Miracle will raise awareness and sensitivity for private Social Assistance Centers in Mexico, most of which, like ours, operate as charities without government funding. Blue Miracle premiered May 27th on Netflix.
Your money will go to helping the children of Casa Hogar in Mexico. We ensure these children have everything they need to have the most successful life. Our kids are doing well thanks to generous donors, such as yourself.
Please choose which facility you would like your donation to support. Please know that our board is very responsive to the intentions of our donors.

Mailing Address for Donations
Friends of Casa Hogar
Box 60343
Boulder City, NV 89006
Contact: Donna Saunders
Phone: 702-292-7070
email: FriendsofCasaHogar@yahoo.com
Friends of Casa Hogar is a nonprofit public charity EIN 47-1279563 and is tax exempt under Section 501(c)(3) of the Internal Revenue Code.